Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome to my food blog. My name is Kim and I'm a home chef. I'm self-taught, still learning, and although I don't claim to be an expert, I am food-obsessed! Where does this obsession come from, you ask? I gained a love for cooking and eating after seeing some of the world and discovering the most exciting part about traveling: food! I soon found myself reading recipes as part of my nighttime reading, perusing food blogs daily, going to gourmet food stores for fun, frequenting community cooking classes, and most importantly, spending a large amount of my time at home in front of the stove trying new recipes.

By day, I'm an English teacher in Texas, and I enjoy yoga, Pilates, and swimming when I'm not chopping, sauteing, or whisking. I've lived in Eastern Europe, China, and on the Horn of Africa, but my home is in the heart of Arizona.

I started this blog in 2009 as a way to share tested recipes and culinary discoveries with friends and family. I hope you enjoy reading it and that you are inspired to get in the kitchen and experiment because after all, you do have to eat. Why not well? As a famous TV chef once said, "You've got to have what the French call 'je m'enfoutisme,' or 'I don't care what happens--the sky can fall and omelets can go all over the stove...I'm gonna learn! I shall overcome!" If I can do it, so can you.

Please feel free to leave a comment or email me at kimmasonry (at) gmail (dot) com.

Happy cooking!